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It's OK To Say NO


How many times do you agree to a work request because you don't want to say no?

How many times do you agree to a social invite because you don't want to say no?

How many times doI you agree to help a family member, or friend because you don't want to say no?


How easy it is to become a yes person, to do the right thing, or not to disappoint, or not to have to deal with confrontation, or to gain approval or even with the intention to be nice and kind. The pattern of putting others needs ahead of our own can often lead us to overload . It can also develop into such a pattern that we loose sight of what our own needs are. 

Most of us choose to be agreeable, nurturing and caring, but isn't it better to let go of limiting beliefs about what saying no means? 


Saying no means being authentic about what you can honestly manage, saying no means being authentic with what you really want, saying no means having more time to accomplish your own personal goals. 

Let’s remind ourselves the importance of being clear about what we truly want and to set our intentions to seek the right balance between giving to others and giving to self. 

It’s ok to say no. 


The Books that have inspired me include:



MInd The Gap

Dr Karen Gurney



Gillian Anderson


Solve For Happy

Mo Gawdat


The Dance of Anger

Harriet Lerner


The Poetry Pharmacy Returns, more prescriptions for courage, healing and hope

William Sieghart​


Nonviolent Communication, A language of Life

Marshall B Rosenberg


Finding You, A daily practice for fulfilling your life

Lauren Robinson


The Anatomy Of Peace, Resolving the Heart of Conflict, 

The Arbinger Institute


The Surrender Experiment, My journey into Life’s Perfection, 

Michael Singer


Man’s Search For Meaning, 

Viktor Frankl


When Things Fall Apart, 

Pema Chodron


Flourish, A New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being, 

Martin Seligman


Grit, The Power of Passion and Perseverance, 

Angela Duckworth 


The Alchemist 

Paulo Coelho


Braving The Wilderness, The quest for true belonging and the courage to stand alone 

Brene Brown


Grief Works, Stories of Life, Death and Surviving

Julia Samuel


Mindfulness for Health, relieving pain, reducing stress and restoring wellbeing

Vidyamala Burch and Danny Penman


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